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There is no better time than 2022 to make your business dreams a reality, and the Invest WindsorEssex team is ready to assist.
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As the lead economic development organization in the region, Invest WindsorEssex provides expert assistance to companies and entrepreneurs in all sectors and stages. Its focus is to develop and execute strategies to retain, expand, attract and help new start-ups in the Windsor-Essex region.
The organization consists of several departments to help businesses of varying industries and stages of growth.
Automobility and Innovation
The Automobility and Innovation team aims to support new and existing mobility businesses by offering resources and programs that help companies achieve their goals.
The Automobility and Innovation Centre is home to Canada’s largest publicly accessible Virtual Reality (VR) CAVE. The facility serves as a teaching, training and research tool designed to support connected and autonomous vehicle development. The Invest WindsorEssex VR CAVE provides opportunities for businesses and research institutions to aid in product development, simulation, prototyping and skills training.
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The Automobility and Innovation department has also facilitated the collaboration of organizations across the Windsor-Essex region to grow and sustain an automobility cluster.
Recently launched in the region, the Canadian Automobility Hub will support entrepreneurs and businesses interested in advancing the market for connected, autonomous, electric and secure vehicle technology in a globally competitive market.
These efforts have helped shift the region from Canada’s Automotive Capital to the Automobility Capital of Canada.
Business Retention and Expansion
Whether you are looking to expand your facilities or network with governments and support groups, the department of Business Retention and Expansion is focused on providing medium and large-sized Windsor-Essex businesses with opportunities to grow.
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The team offers onsite consultations, seminars, workshops and business development resources to help local companies build a sustainable business plan to enhance prospects and expand their market reach.
Investment Attraction
The focus of the Investment Attraction team is to support national and international companies in locating to the Windsor-Essex region. The team assists businesses with site selection, provides workforce data intel, and leverages our community to provide investors with guidance and support before and after the decision to invest in the Windsor-Essex region.
The team also provides information on government programs and support, and on local incentives, and shares in-depth knowledge of operating a business in Ontario and Canada.
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Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre
The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre (SBEC) provides local entrepreneurs and small business owners with the training and support to start and grow successful businesses. The SBEC business advisors help you develop the skills and access to networks you need to grow and succeed. The SBEC operates as a department of Invest WindsorEssex in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade.
Entrepreneurs can also tap into SBEC programs which provide training, mentorship and financing to new and expanding businesses. Its core programs include Starter Company PLUS, Summer Company, Digital Main Street, Foodpreneur Advantage and Growing Creative Careers.
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Marketing and Communications
The Marketing and Communications team focuses on creating communication strategies that support business development initiatives within all departments.
The team’s advertising objectives are aimed at promoting the Windsor-Essex region as a prime location for investment through integrated corporate marketing and advertising campaigns, media and public relations and communications across all media channels.
It’s the Year of Opportunity in Windsor-Essex!
Windsor-Essex is positioned to compete on a global scale as Invest Windsor-Essex continues to leverage the region’s workforce, expertise and provides the tools, resources and services to accelerate business development and regional investment.
To learn more, visit investwindsoressex.com or contact our team of professionals at [email protected].
Read More: Invest WindsorEssex supports business development at any stage