Daily Market News

Premium Bonds saver scoops £1m jackpot prize with a tiny £100 holding

A Premium Bonds saver has scooped one of two £1million jackpot prizes in this month’s prize draw with a tiny holding of just £100. 

The lucky winner purchased their winning bond less than two years ago in May 2023 and is based in Cleveland in Yorkshire. 

This is the second smallest holding ever to win one of the £1million prizes from National Savings and Investments.

In 2004, a £1million jackpot winner from Newham in London won with £17 in Premium Bonds, purchased in February 1959.

It is only the 13th time a £1million prize has been won with a holding of £1,000 or less since NS&I started offering seven-figure jackpot prizes in 1994. 

Before today, the second smallest holding of a £1million prize winner was £1,001 owned by a saver in Devon who won in August 2021.

Against all odds: A Premium Bonds saver scooped a £1m jackpot prize with a holding of just £100

Against all odds: A Premium Bonds saver scooped a £1m jackpot prize with a holding of just £100 

Today’s winner truly defies the odds as the probability of winning a £1million jackpot prize with a £100 holding is 1 in 620million. 

The other £1million winner hails from Cumbria and won with a holding of £35,000. They purchased their winning bond in August 2020. 

Anther noteworthy winner bagged a £100,000 prize with a holding of £14. They purchased their winning bond over 48 years ago in February 1977 and are based in outer London. 

There were 83 £100,000 prizes in this month’s prize draw. 

The Premium Bonds prize fund rate – which represents the average return a Premium Bonds saver would get in a year – currently stands at 4 per cent, but that will be lower from the next draw.

Last month, National Savings and Investments announced it will cut the underlying rate of Premium Bonds to 3.8 per cent from the April 2025 draw.

The odds remain at 22,000 to 1, but it means there will be four fewer £100,000 prizes from April, down from 82 in February’s draw to 78 in April.

Andrew Westhead, NS&I retail director, said: ‘Spring is definitely in the air for our two jackpot winners from Cleveland and Cumbria this month. 

‘The Cleveland winner’s story is particularly exciting, with just £100 invested in Premium Bonds in 2023. It just shows that every £1 Bond has an equal chance of winning the £1 million jackpot.’

Premium Bonds Winners

Prize Area Value of bond
£1,000,000 Cumbria £35,000
£1,000,000 Cleveland £100
£100,000 Highlands And Islands £5,000
£100,000 Leicestershire £1,289
£100,000 Hertfordshire £50,000
£100,000 Kent £50
£100,000 Sefton £10,000
£100,000 Leicestershire £50,000

More March 2025 winners

View list of March 2025 winners

Read More: Premium Bonds saver scoops £1m jackpot prize with a tiny £100 holding

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