Daily Market News

Is McKee’s #RIMomentum tour official business or campaigning?

Gov. Dan McKee kicked off his so-called #RIMomentum tour Tuesday by promoting the state's new electric vehicle electric rebate program.

PROVIDENCE — At what point does Gov. Dan McKee’s “#RIMomentum tour” become a campaign event?

Is the “tour” that began this week an effort by McKee’s State House team to place him in TV ad-ready photo ops for his reelection campaign?

Or is Democrat McKee simply walking the hard-to-define line between the power of incumbency and campaigning while three of his challengers – Republican Ashley Kalus and Democrats Helena Foulkes and Nellie Gorbea – spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on paid TV advertising?

When asked, this was the response from campaign manager Brexton Isaacs to Journal questions:  “As these are official side events, I’d direct any questions you have over there.”

The answer from McKee’s communications director Andrea Palagi: the “RIMomentum tour” is not a rolling campaign event. 

Read More: Is McKee’s #RIMomentum tour official business or campaigning?

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