Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra on Wednesday accused the Congress in Karnataka of precipitating the COVID crisis with their 'Walk for Water', demanding a balancing…
Assembly elections to five crucial states will take place in a few months. Aditi Phadnis looks at the current political situation in each state and the kind of the challenges political parties…
After Bharatsinh Solanki's remark on the Ram temple, Gujarat BJP Chief C.R. Patil on Wednesday slammed him, saying that he needs to consult a doctor to "check his mental stability".…
The Trinamool Congress has claimed Biplab Kumar Deb's resignation as Tripura chief minister substantiated its allegation that the BJP-led dispensation in the northeastern state…
Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Sunday said grassroots democracy has been strengthened in Jammu and Kashmir since holding of the District Development Council (DDC) elections,…
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