Digital marketer secures distinction and job offer after impressing media bosses


An up and coming talent in the digital marketing field is celebrating an apprenticeship distinction four years after joining a company as its novice work experience student.

Jamie Smith was introduced to Blue Whale Media during a weekly work experience trip when he was a student at Warrington Collegiate, now Warrington Vale Royal College.

The now 21-year-old impressed the team at the Birchwood-based design company so much that bosses decided to hire him temporarily once his work experience ended and then employed him full time once he had completed his course.

Jamie is now celebrating a distinction in his level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship and has become a valued member of the team at Blue Whale Media.

Jamie said: “I was driven to a digital agency, and specifically Blue Whale Media, because I already had experience and I was already familiar with the team, the office and the tasks I would be doing.

“The previous head of marketing and the managing director wanted to employ me on a temporary basis during my college course and then permanently as an apprentice.”

Jamie added: “My dad has often said ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ and I think it’s a useful piece of advice for apprentices.

“You will find greater success in your career by focusing on a specialisation.”

Jamie quickly developed a passion for marketing during his time at Blue Whale Media and was named SEO (search engine optimisation) ninja.

Jamie is now the company’s SEO executive and the PPC (pay per click) executive.

Operations director Stephanie Sweeney said: “Achieving a distinction is testament to Jamie’s hard work and I am very proud to have supported him not only through his time at college and his apprenticeship but now in his desired career as a full-time staff member at Blue Whale Media Ltd.”

The company has four other members of staff working on apprenticeships hoping to become specialists in their field.


Read More: Digital marketer secures distinction and job offer after impressing media bosses

2021-03-06 14:00:00

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