Automotive Sector Output Edges up 1.6% in February


The output of the automotive industry, Hungary’s biggest manufacturing sector, edged up 1.6pc year-on-year in February, rising after a three-month decline, a detailed release of data by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Friday shows.

The segment accounted for 28% of manufacturing output during the month.

The detailed data show output of the electrical equipment segment, which made up 11% of manufacturing output, edged down 0.8%.

The output of the computer, electronics and optical equipment segment, accounting for 9% of manufacturing, fell 1.5%.

The output of the food, drinks, and tobacco segment, which made up 12% of manufacturing sector output, rose 10.3%.

KSH confirmed that headline industrial output rose 1.8% in February, increasing for the first month in about a year. 

February output rose 1.4% when adjusted for the number of workdays

In a month-on-month comparison, output increased a seasonally- and workday-adjusted 3.5%.

For the period January-February, industrial output edged down 0.9% year-on-year.


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Read More: Automotive Sector Output Edges up 1.6% in February

2024-04-15 08:04:21

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