New ideas for village


As a resident of West Dundee for 36 years, I recently read your review of the West Dundee village trustee debate and was surprised that you did not endorse Pamela Carr Hagerman for trustee. During the debate, she was the only candidate that was providing new ideas to grow West Dundee beyond the status quo. The other candidates did not provide any breakthrough thinking like Pamela’s idea about an e-commerce marketplace. We need to take bold steps quickly to stop the retail sales revenue and property value declines in West Dundee.

In your endorsement summary, it seemed like you didn’t really listen to the debate itself or do much research in our area. You praised one candidate’s discussion about adding ranch homes to West Dundee, when we already have many streets of ranch houses that are well-maintained and affordable. Overall, I am very disappointed that you did not take the time to listen fully to the candidates and endorse the person with the best ideas who is Pamela Carr Hagerman.

Linda Browne

West Dundee



Read More: New ideas for village

2021-03-15 06:19:27

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